Amiko A3 firmware Changelogs

  • ZdenekMi
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21 sep 2014 20:10 - 21 okt 2014 13:59 #11460 od ZdenekMi
Amiko A3 firmware Changelogs bolo vytvorené ZdenekMi

delete network hard drive support
fixed bug:E2 Db import/export error with bouquet data
set default browser type to Desktop
remove Youtube/Soutcast/Kartina tv
add WebTV in spark store
update spark store


added function: fake standby support
added function: share meida files via DLNA
improve function for browsing DLNA server
update default satellites list(45.0W~75.0E)
change Online install to Picon download
fixed bug:video was enlarged when boot without HDMI connected
fixed bug:subtitle display incorrect for a few channels
fixed bug:aspect ratio was incorrect for some channels


added function: option to clear default settings for Apps in Launcher menu
fixed bug:Manual DiSEqC 1.2 position incorrect
fixed bug:can not play live channel after exit from XBMC
fixed bug:subtitle always display while no speaking
fixed bug:modulation is invalid when export E2 lamedb
fixed bug: channel's audio track are set to 'right' in default when import lamedb
fixed bug:file system error after HDD format
fixed bug:some pop-up menu can not exit while FAKE standby
fix bug: can not set LAN IP manually in some special cases
change function: disable position adjustment for DVB subtitle


modify HOME menu, change OTT to System and reorganize Apps
modify extend record time, split into start and end extend time
modify channel list ordering of spark2 player and webserver, make it same as STB's
fixed bug:VPN connection not saved, OSD info not updated in time
fixed bug:auto DiSEqC not work for 23.5E


added function:reboot/deep standby/standby support when press power button
added function:TS delay support
added function:Austria/Sky link provider support for Fast Scan
added function:FTP/Samba support
added function:brightness adjustment support
fixed bug:auto DiSEqC not work correct for 23.5E
update English/Hungarian/Romanian string
change default APP order in HOME menu
change default resolution to 720P 60HZ after factory reset


fix bug: can not adjust volume of earphone
fix bug: hdd manager crash if there is no any hdd connected
fix bug: do not display system icons in shoutcast app
fix bug: voice search menu exit automatically if 'scramble' dialog present
fix bug: info bar linger shorter than the setting
fix bug: the receiver doesn't support all three romanian language identifiers in the streams (rom, rum, ron)
fix bug: after upgrade, receiver recover tv resolution to 720p@60.
fix bug: press infor button only shows one page of epg information when playback record file
fix bug: fix some fake standby issue.
fix bug: filelist app doesn't display full information in the left-top corner
fix bug: miss 'no signal' prompt if you remove lnb cable during record
fix bug: can not find many app from google play store (expand spark2's compatibility for google play)
fix bug: output stereo audio even user change audio track to left
fix bug: lost signal when rotate moto (diseqc 1.2)
fix bug: no HD mark for HD channels after fast scan
fix bug: auto diseqc does't work properly during fast scan
new function: in launcher app and system screen, replace 'top' function to 'move' function
new function: adjust launcher screen ordering, not it becomes system-> app->tv->media-> browser
new function: change default app's ordering of system screen of launcher
new function: adjust tv setting menu, remove 16:9/4:3 menu and add conversion menu(pan scan/letter box)
new function: enlarge time zone option in easy install, pop up time zone list if users press ok button
new function: remove default city in weather app, set London, Amsterdam, Berlin, New York as default
new function: revert channel zap ordering in full screen. press up button will turn to large channel number
new function: add FTA group in CAS category
new function: add Delete all the channels in Menu settings->system-reset
new function: add TV delay function for SKY IT setting->system->misc setting
new fucntion: support FTP/SAMBA
new function: set system's default resolution to 720p 60
new function: recover previous system resolution if user don't confirm his selection during 10S
new function: provide three options : standby, deep standby, reboot when users press power button
new fucntion: don't prompt user to keep satellite setting when import lamedb
new function: add brightness adjust menu in setting->system->tv outputs
new function: add channel search range for voice search (in system->remote control menu), the default search range is current group.
new function: update Hungary, Romania, english's translation
new function: app store support download ,upgrade, check update in the background
new function: add Austria/Sky link provider support for Fast Scan

rollback [google play compatible] issue because worry about this modification may cause system unstable.

fix bug: cannot find channel if search by Russia characters
fix bug: fix auto diseqc problems (include 23.5E)
fix bug: can not switch to first channel after fast scan
fix bug: lost all channels after fast scan
fix bug: cannot recognize some special USB stick
fix bug: can not go to channel list when streaming live signal to spark2 player
fix bug: can not save position after move app

add function: add voice language in system language menu
add function: add satellite group under radio category
add function: add HD group in channel list
add function: display color key prompt in information bar
add function: change some string translation
add function: enable LCN in default for fast scan
add function: improve accuracy of channel search result of speech
add function: doesn't display overdue epg information


fix bug: fix some bugs of fast scan
fix bug: fix some bug of LCN
fix bug: video was stretched when coming from airshow
fix bug: fix some playback issue

add function: add wifi spoof function in system->misc setting(workaround for : some app only run under wifi connection)
add function: change channel list mode: channel name+ epg now
add function: only split record file in FAT32 format

fix bug: 1080I blinking
fix bug: hdmi-cec can not wake up some TV
fix bug: Fastscan not work correctly
fix bug: fix other bugs

add function: add USB-3G support
add function: update google play to latest version
add function: auto update support (if receiver detect there is a file '' in the usb, then receiver upgrade automatically)
add function: show IP for network hard disk
add function: map LEFT/RIGHT as P+ P- in channel list mode

Ing. Zdeněk Mihula
Vu+ Ultimo 4K, Vu+ Solo 4K, Dreambox DM920 UHD
:woohoo: Navštivte nás: Veřejná skupina fanoušků UHD 4K
Posledný krát upravené:21 okt 2014 13:59 ZdenekMi

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