Nová Enigma 2 image pre OPTIBOX - GEKKO plus

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09 sep 2012 16:59 #1227 od RAMSES
Enigma2 OpenSource SH4 Duckbox Project GIT-44XX PKT SVN-1754 NEBULA v2 Image

Added by sh4 Duckbox Team:

- update pngquant version 1.1
- [p191] clear all buffers on demux error
- Fix SCART output for stx7111 chips
- [E2] fix for largefile Support
- [player2_191] reset TSM when tsm is in idle mode
- update jfsutils version 1.1.15
- update libungif version 4.1.4
- [e2proc] adding more compatibility for 3dmode
- [player_191] ufs910 fix ca recording bug (camrouting)
- [e2proc] new entry hdmi/output allowing switchin output on off by proc
- fix ffmpeg patch
- add vfd scrolling to hs7810a
- [autofs] update to version 4.1.4 supporting ghost mode
- [stmfb_102] fix hdmi hotplug error
- Add dual frontends for ADB_BOX
- [palyer191] add pcm delay support
- [HS7110] optimize st-merger
- update busybox 1.20.2
- update ffmpeg 0.11.1
- [starci] rework module detection handling
- [ufs9xx_cic] rework module detection handling
- [cimax] rework module detection handling

Added by PKT:

[ALL] refresh channel list without restart GUI
[ALL] add support oscam as card server
[ALL] add startup to standby function in BP->System->Standby Tools
[ALL] add new Infocenter screen
[ALL] EPG recovery fix
[ALL] NIM selection adjust for 3 positions
[ALL] added support for mini VFD in progress
[GM7162] mini VFD configuration data for startup
[gm7162] main loop:
+ clear vfd in deepstandby
+ support vfd & led settings in standby
+ fix extinguishing
[ALL] fix lightUp
[GM7162] added FP plugin settings support
[ALL] Graph MultiEPG - added searching of picons on /hdd/picon
[GM7162] set the turn off power led when starts from deep standby
[ALL] KeyMapper extensions for red & yellow key
[ALL] fix NES on startup when LNB not connected
[ALL] fix preserve spaces in text of startup from standby mode
[ALL] fix possibility of NES in startup of radio channel
[GM7162] fix setting power led in TV mode
[ALL] fix GS in instant record sometimes appears if TIMER conflicts
[ALL] added subtitles support to Media Player - TXT files with time stamp & frame stamp.
[ALL] MediaPlayer added SRT txt format , added txt speed regulation up/down key, and many more changes.
[ALL] MediaPlayer: added in srt files detection uft8 format and other fixes
[ALL] MediaPlayer:
+ fix playlist playing
+ fix FPS detection
+ fix text delay
+ added adjustment of text speed
+ fix text startup synchro
[ALL] AudioSelection screen fix - sometimes on 1st start of AudioSelection, the screen contained only empty lines.
[E2] remove SimpleBitrate
[ALL] added new skin PKT Red-HD
[ALL] added EPG key support for MultiEPG
[ALL] SD skin replace by PKT_BasicHD
[ALL] set default skin to PKTRedHD
[ALL] update WebInterface v1.7.1
[GM7162] Volume +/- key functionality fix
[SF918G+/SF1008SE+] fix time set in deep standby mode
[GM7162] added 3rd tuner detection
[ALL] force reboot for 7162 ( also 990 & ipboxes but not tested )
[ALL] added paths list preserve for RecPaths
[UFS910] remove SU2 fix
[ALL] added oscam logs info in InfoCenter - required disabled authorization to http and access to local host
[ALL] Add HDMI CEC on/off, default OFF, work only with SF1028/SF1008+/SF918+/UFS912
[ADB] fix twin-tuner
[UFS912] add support for mtd5 - now all flash space is using
[ALL] fix missing lib for grab
[ADB] Add BSKA fan support
[ALL] fix TTX

FTP login: root, passwd: pkteam

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