Diskusia: Enigma 2 Skytec JOBI

  • davidem2
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21 okt 2013 12:50 #5480 od davidem2
Re: Enigma 2 Skytec JOBI bolo vytvorené davidem2
Ahoj ospravedlňujem sa za jazyk, ale ja som s použitím Google Translator, vole skúste verzie záhadu 2 na internej flash jobi Stiahol som súbory vo formáte pendrive FAT32 skopíroval 3 súbory na vložený USB dekodér vypnutie a zapnutie som stlačte Chanel + a prvý postup by mal byť No, keď som sa postup opakovať 2 pre zápis blesku E2 zapáliť dekodér stále drží tlačidlo Chanel + RE55 z písomnej, kým sa neobjaví v záťaži .... potom po vymazaní blesku ..... potom znova načítať a vždy takto pôjde ďalej, bez toho aby caricarenulla mohol by ste mi dať nejakú pomoc? možno niečo zle v postupe ..... vďaka

Hi sorry for the language but I'm using google translator, vole try version enigma 2 on internal flash jobi I downloaded the files formatted pendrive fat32 copied the 3 files on the usb inserted decoder off then I turn on I press the chanel + and the first procedure should be well, when I repeat the procedure 2 for write flash e2 as relight the decoder still holding the button chanel + re55 out a written until it appears in the load .... then after erase flash ..... then again load and always goes on like this without caricarenulla could you give me some help? maybe something wrong in the procedure ..... thanks

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22 okt 2013 17:10 #5513 od vaskee
Odpoveď od vaskee na tému Re: Enigma 2 Skytec JOBI
Try the latest release that can be downloaded here:


procedure is as follows:

1.) boot the original bootloader - usb_uboot.img (in case you have E2 bootloader in eeprom)
2.) once you have bootloader ready, boot the original firmware - jobi_original_image.ird
3.) turn on you receiver and you should see fabric firmware in your box
4.) then boot modified E2 bootloader - upgrade_loader_xxx.ird
5.) once you have E2 bootloader, then do the procedure you have already tried - try to push E2 into your receiver from usb_rootfs.img a usb_kernel.img.

don't forget to properly format your usb dongle to FAT32

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22 okt 2013 22:48 #5522 od davidem2
Odpoveď od davidem2 na tému Enigma 2 Skytec JOBI
ahoj nemôžem načítať na e2 Skytec jobi, vždy som si nechať RE55 - 54-53-52 erase blesk zaťaženie a opakuje tieto pasáže vždy chcel spýtať, ale súbory upgrade_loader_xxx.ird. usb_rootfs.img na usb_kernel.img. sú odovzdané jeden po druhom z pendrive k dekodéra alebo môže postaviť všetky tri dohromady?

hi I can not load on e2 Skytec jobi, I always leave re55 - 54-53-52 erase flash load and repeats these passages always wanted to ask but the files upgrade_loader_xxx.ird. usb_rootfs.img to usb_kernel.img. are passed one at a time from the pendrive to the decoder or can stand all three together?

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23 okt 2013 00:52 #5524 od ZdenekMi
Odpoveď od ZdenekMi na tému Enigma 2 Skytec JOBI
Hi davidem2,

how waskee wrote (www.digitalne.ellano.sk/forum/skytec/396...enigma-2-skytec-jobi):

procedure is as follows:

1.) boot the original bootloader - usb_uboot.img (in case you have E2 bootloader in eeprom)
2.) once you have bootloader ready, boot the original firmware - jobi_original_image.ird
3.) turn on you receiver and you should see fabric firmware in your box
4.) then boot modified E2 bootloader - upgrade_loader_xxx.ird
5.) once you have E2 bootloader, then do the procedure you have already tried - try to push E2 into your receiver from usb_rootfs.img a usb_kernel.img.

don't forget to properly format your usb dongle to FAT32


For step 4.) give file upgrade_loader_xxx.ird on your flash memory.
For step 5.) give files usb_rootfs.img and usb_kernel.img on your flash memory.


Ing. Zdeněk Mihula
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23 okt 2013 12:24 #5532 od davidem2
Odpoveď od davidem2 na tému Enigma 2 Skytec JOBI
vďaka teraz bude nasledovať vašu radu a hneď potom budem vedieť, ďalší zázrak z pôvodného fw jobi videl som, že je tu šanca, aby si niektoré USB DVB-T, ak áno, aké sú a ako je postup uznania? Stačí zadať iba USB DVB-T set-top box vypnúť a znova zapnúť? Vďaka za všetko a ospravedlňujem sa za problémy

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23 okt 2013 12:36 #5533 od vaskee
Odpoveď od vaskee na tému Re: Enigma 2 Skytec JOBI
I would rather read your questions in English, as google translator is not the good tool for the whole sentences translates.

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23 okt 2013 12:40 #5534 od ZdenekMi
Odpoveď od ZdenekMi na tému Re: Enigma 2 Skytec JOBI
Hi davidem2,

I do not have a USB DVB-T, so I could not test it.

But I think that just connect to USB and reboot box. If you have a supported model DVB-T, you will find "Terrestrial Search" in menu "Installation".

Best regards

Ing. Zdeněk Mihula
Vu+ Ultimo 4K, Vu+ Solo 4K, Dreambox DM920 UHD
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23 okt 2013 14:48 #5537 od davidem2
Odpoveď od davidem2 na tému Re: Enigma 2 Skytec JOBI
Behold followed to the letter the instructions in fat32 formatted usb and put on usb_uboot.img original image jobi.ird, when the receiver is returned to the factory fw I reformatted the pendrive loaded on E2 bootloader - upgrade_loader_xxx.ird-E2 into your receiver from usb_rootfs.img to usb_kernel.img. , Pendrive inserted in the decoder off relight the decoder by pressing and holding chanal up but still the same thing weird because changing the id to that of the decoder and putting hdbox fs7119 and performing the procedure that is in the starter KYT fs7119 the image is written e2 quietly on the decoder with e2 instead Skytec I have always the same result erase flash load and nothing ..... after a while you will see a written-re53 re52 and again ..... in what is wrong? the writing procedure e2 of internal flash is equal to that of hdbox as steps?

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23 okt 2013 14:55 #5538 od ZdenekMi
Odpoveď od ZdenekMi na tému Re: Enigma 2 Skytec JOBI
This E2 is not designed for HD-BOX!!! You can not install it on HD-BOX.


Ing. Zdeněk Mihula
Vu+ Ultimo 4K, Vu+ Solo 4K, Dreambox DM920 UHD
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23 okt 2013 15:04 - 23 okt 2013 15:05 #5539 od vaskee
Odpoveď od vaskee na tému Re: Enigma 2 Skytec JOBI
tak tuhle google.translate anglictinu fakt nezvladam. mozna by bylo lepsi, kdyby autor mluvil svym rodnym jazykem.
Posledný krát upravené:23 okt 2013 15:05 vaskee

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23 okt 2013 15:14 - 23 okt 2013 15:14 #5540 od ZdenekMi
Odpoveď od ZdenekMi na tému Re: Enigma 2 Skytec JOBI
Souhlas, také nevím, jestli jsem vůbec pochopil co se snažil autor napsat.

I agree. I am also not sure, that I understand what davidem2 has wanted to write.


Ing. Zdeněk Mihula
Vu+ Ultimo 4K, Vu+ Solo 4K, Dreambox DM920 UHD
:woohoo: Navštivte nás: Veřejná skupina fanoušků UHD 4K
Posledný krát upravené:23 okt 2013 15:14 ZdenekMi

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23 okt 2013 15:25 - 23 okt 2013 15:27 #5541 od davidem2
Odpoveď od davidem2 na tému Re: Enigma 2 Skytec JOBI

ZdenekMi napísal: This E2 is not designed for HD-BOX!!! You can not install it on HD-BOX.


I know that it does not go in hd box ..... I did the test with the contario boxkit id v0.10 I changed the decoder to putting hd box then I loaded fw hdbox making it a hdbox fs7199, I effetuato the procedure starterr internal flash kit fs7119 and after 5 minutes the decoder is switched on with internal e2 ok .... I brought it back to original factory put hdbox fw id Skytec jobi ..... loaded on fac Skytec 2.11.71 and returned to its original state Skytec hd jobi ..... just that when redo the procedure e2 jobi always makes me the same problem, now I wanted to ask if e2 jobi I can turn the key to digital sky to watch DVB-T Italian .......
Posledný krát upravené:23 okt 2013 15:27 davidem2

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